intraspace: the review lounge

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


this is something i should have thought of setting up earlier...

about 10 years ago i bought a copy of 'war and peace' - complete and unabridged. as you probably know, it isn't a particularly quick read. but in my determination to read the thing i hatched a cunning plan. when i flicked through my copy i found that it is actually divided up into 'books' and 'volumes'. so i decided that i would read 'war and peace' by reading one 'book' at a time, reading something else between each 'book'. this, you see, panders to my short attention span.

the plan is working, and i'm actually finding that 'war and peace' is a brilliant book, and i'm always keen to get back to it.

i suspect that it will be the end of the year or maybe even later that i finish the entire tome. meanwhile, at the end of every post where i review another book, i will place a 'warandpeace-o-meter' that will show what page number i am up to in 'war and peace'... it will be riveting internet media, and 1000s of people will visit the site just to see how far through 'war and peace' i am. cunning eh?

the warandpeace-o-meter will show the page number i'm up to followed by the total number of pages in the book. in brackets following will be the volume number, book number and chapter number. advanced physics all up really.

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